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Round-Lobed Hepatica & Sharp-Lobed Hepatica
Hepatica acutiloba DC
Hepatica acutiloba flowers often bloom in the spring before leaves are revealed, photo credit YZ Ni 2022

Names and Their Meanings

Sharp-lobed Hepatica - Hepatica acutiloba
kontirontá:non, karón:tanonhne
gabisan’ikeag, a'nima'sid
Hépatique á lobes aigus
Round-lobed hepatica - Hepatica Americana
kontirontá:non, karón:tanonhne
gabisan’ikeag, a'nima'sid
Hepatica acutiloba full plant in its habitat, photo credit YZ Ni 2022
Hepatica acutiloba flowers often bloom in the spring before leaves are revealed, photo credit YZ Ni 2022
Hepatica acutiloba flowers showing alternate more whitish color, photo credit D. Botcherby 2022
Hepatica acutiloba herbarium specimen collected by Yu Zhao Ni, David Botcherby, and Jessica Dolan, 2022
Round-lobed hepatica, Hepatica nobilis, showing companionship with Sanguinaria canadensis, bloodroot, photo credit J. Dolan 2023
Round-lobed hepatica, Hepatica nobilis, showing companionship with Sanguinaria canadensis, bloodroot, photo credit J. Dolan 2023

Sharp-lobed Hepatica

Round-lobed hepatica