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Summit Bog

The Copetown Bog/Summit Muskeg on the Hamilton- Brantford Rail Trail
Yowisarhón:ne / Onen’tóhskon “Covered in Ice/Boreal”
Gijyahiing Agidajiw Mshkiigki

Copetown Ontario
43.223045, -80.051947
Cape Chin

Maplecross Nature Reserve
Kanyataraktátye’ “Along the Lake”
Neyaashi Daamkan/ Ninaatig Jiibyaatig Wendaajwanong Shkonaan

Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula Ontario
45.108868168705, -81.313730997576
Bruce Trail at Copperkettle

Fossil Glen Nature Reserve
Tetewatón:nis “Regrowing, or Growing Again”

Kemble Ontario
44.649472, -80.964444
Cootes Paradise

Tsi nón:we Ratinatsyayenthókwas “Where They Harvest Rice”
Cootes Oizhishi

Hamilton Ontario
43.27168, -79.904463
Red Hill Valley

Tewathnekohétstha’ “The Water Passes Through”
Miskwaanzo Ishpadinaa Dannaa

Hamilton Ontario
43.2004, -79.8197
Nottawasaga Bluffs

Yotstenhrakè:ron “Spread out Stone”
Naadwe- zaagiing Aazhbikoon

Creemore Ontario
44.34134, -80.213863
Ball’s Falls Heritage Conservation Area

Sha’tetyonatnekí:non “Waters of the Same Source”
Bikwaakwadoon Gaagiidjiwan

3292 Sixth Avenue Lincoln Ontario L0R 1S0
43.129758, -79.385187
Beamer Memorial Conservation Area

Yonón:tehs “Steep Mountains”
Beamer Mnaajhaad Wiiyaasidakoni Akiing

28 Quarry Rd Grimsby Ontario L3M 4E7
43.188101, -79.570684
Boyd Conservation Area

Skaná:ta “One village”
Boyd Wiiyaasidakoni Akiing

8739 Islington Ave Vaughan Ontario L4L 1A6
43.80944, -79.584789
Goulding Lane/Goulding West

Tsi nityothyonhí:non “Where the River Originates”
Goulding Miikaans/Goulding Epngishmok

Mono Ontario
43.968923, -79.971623
Souharissen Natural Area

Sho'aríshon “He is Shaking a Net”
Note: This is also the name that was allotted to Jordan Hollow, it is also the Mohawk spelling for a Neutral Nation chief title

Waterdown Ontario
43.337359, -79.88608
Beaver River

Amik Ziibi

Sunderland Ontario
44.237475, -79.047164
Cedar Valley Conservation Area

Giizhig Dannaa

Oshawa Ontario
43.475315, -79.946588
Crawford Lake Conservation Area

Crawford Gamii

Milton Ontario
43.475315, -79.946588
Dundas Valley Conservation Area

Basadinaa “in a valley”

Hamilton Ontario
43.261183, -80.003559
Goldie Feldman Nature Reserve

Ozaaw- zhoonyaa Feldman Wendaajiwanong Shkonan

King Ontario
43.970267, -79.59927
High Park

Shpizi Gaa-izhi-babaamoseng

Toronto Ontario
43.652413, -79.462278
Louth Conservation Area

Louth Wiiyaasidakoniwe Akiing

Jordan Station Ontario
43.123042, -79.350286
Magwood Park

Magwood Gaa- izhi- babaamoseng miinwaa Nimkiibnesi Kosjigan

Toronto Ontario
43.65656393, -79.4981036
Pottageville Swamp

Pottageville Waabashkiki Wendaajiwanong Akiing

Schomberg Ontario
44.006408, -79.640326
Rice Lake

Manoomin Gamii / Michisaagiig of Rice Lake

Bewdley Ontario
44.092979, -78.301561
Second Marsh

Niizho Waabashkiki

Oshawa Ontario
43.878566, -78.820407
Seneca Polytechnic College – King Campus


King City Ontario
43.96307, -79.52282