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White Lettuce
Nabalus albus (L.) Hook.
White rattlesnake-root growing at Summit Bog, showing flowerhead of tiny white flowers and leaf morphology and arrangement, photo credit J. Dolan 2022

Names and Their Meanings

White Lettuce - Nabalus albus
ó:nyare aonón:tsi
prenanthe blanche
White rattlesnake-root single leaf growing next to other plant, showing variation in leaf morphology during growth cycle, Summit Bog, photo credit J. Dolan 2022
White rattlesnake-root growing at Summit Bog, showing flowerhead of tiny white flowers and leaf morphology and arrangement, photo credit J. Dolan 2022
White rattlesnake-root single leaf growing next to other plant, showing variation in leaf morphology during growth cycle, Summit Bog, photo credit J. Dolan 2022
White rattlesnake-root growing at Summit Bog, showing flowerhead of tiny white flowers and leaf morphology and arrangement, photo credit J. Dolan 2022

White Lettuce

Conservation Status

In Ontario and New York S5 (Secure), and in Québec S3 (Vulnerable), and New York S5 (Secure)