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Wild Plum
Prunus americana Marshall
Alyssa General and her family’s harvest of Wild Plums in 2023

Names and Their Meanings

Wild Plum - Prunus americana Marshall
bgesaanmin'gaawanzh, “wild sugar plums”; bagesaanak = plums
Prunier d'Amérique
Alyssa General and her family’s harvest of Wild Plums in 2023
Alyssa General and her family’s harvest of Wild Plums in 2023
Alyssa General and her family’s harvest of Wild Plums in 2023

Wild Plum


This fruit was documented by Frederick Wilkerson Waugh and his Haudenosaunee teachers in the 1910s at Six Nations of the Grand River as a popular food that was, “Growing plentifully along the Grand River in neighborhoods,” and of “two kinds: red and whitish, sweet and round; one more oval, flattish, plain red.” He also documented knowledge and use of wild plums as a popular food by Mississauga, Ojibwe and Ottawa communities in 1916.

Conservation Status

In Ontario S4 (Apparently Secure), and New York S3 (Vulnerable)