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Ironwood & Musclewood
Ostrya virginiana P. Mill. (K. Koch) and Carpinus caroliniana Walt.
Ironwood (O. virginiana) growing at Cootes Paradise, Photo credit: J. Dolan 2022

Names and Their Meanings

Ironwood - Ostrya virginiana
maananohns, maananoons (-ak, plural)
Ostryer de Virginie
Musclewood - Carpinus caroliniana
Ska’ agon-mins, Shka agonmins
Peter Jones from the Wikwemikong Nation on Manitoulin Island, pounding corn grains with a pestle in a mortar, 1916. Pestles were often made of Ironwood, as well as other hardwoods such as Maple, Oak, Hickory and Ash. Photo credit F. W. Waugh, Canadian Museum of History.
Snow Snakes at Six Nations of the Grand River are often made out of Ironwood, and other hardwoods such as Hickory, Cherry, and Ash.
Ironwood (O. virginiana) leaves, shape and arrangement on branches, Cootes Paradise, Photo credit: J. Dolan 2022
Ironwood (O. virginiana) bark, Cootes Paradise, Photo credit: J. Dolan 2022
Ironwood (O. virginiana) growing next to a Cottonwood tree at Cootes Paradise, Photo credit: J. Dolan 2022
Ironwood (O. virginiana) alternate view of bark texture, Photo credit: J. Dolan 2022
Ironwood (O. virginiana) growing at Cootes Paradise, Photo credit: J. Dolan 2022
Musclewood trunk (C. caroliniana) showing density of wood, and texture of bark, at Summit Bog, Photo credit: J. Dolan 2022
Musclewood trunk (C. caroliniana) showing density of wood, and texture of bark, at Summit Bog, Photo credit: J. Dolan 2022
Musclewood leaves (C. caroliniana), showing texture and arrangement on branches, at Summit Bog, Photo credit: J. Dolan 2022



Ironwood is used to make snow snakes, and is one of the species in the Haudenosaunee Creation Story; both trees are used for medicine, craft & utility, and building and tool materials.

Conservation Status

In Ontario S5 (Secure), in Québec S4 (Apparently Secure)


Conservation Status

In Ontario and New York S5 (Secure)