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Wild Mint
Mentha arvensis L. / Mentha canadensis L.
Wild mint growing at Copper kettle, Photo credit: J. Dolan 2022

Names and Their Meanings

Wild Mint - Mentha arvensis
ye’tonhkwanóhstáhkwa, ie'tonhkwanohstáhkwa', kanóhstha
namewack, aandek-bagoohnsean
Menthe des champs (M. arvensis), Menthe du Canada (M. canadensis)
Wild mint growing at Copper kettle, Photo credit: J. Dolan 2022
Houses on Manitoulin Island, Photo credit: F. W. Waugh
Wild mint herbarium specimen collected by Y.Z. Ni, D. Botcherby, and J. Amyotte 2022
Wild mint growing at Copper kettle, Photo credit: J. Dolan 2022

Wild Mint


Elder Brian Peltier from Wikwemikong described mint as sturgeon medicine to Dr. Dolan in their conversations during the years 2020-21. Indeed, F. W. Waugh recorded in his journal early 20th Century, over 100 years earlier, knowledge from residents of Manitoulin Island that in the springtime you can take some spearmint from your pocket and put a little above the prongs of your fishing spear. The strugeon smell it and come, and this is why it's called sturgeon medicine.

Conservation Status

In Ontario S5 (Secure), in Quebec S4 (Apparently Secure)