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Pale Jewelweed & Spotted Jewelweed
Impatiens capensis Meerb., Impatiens pallida Nutt.
Another look at a Jewelweed flower and bud, photo credit D. Botcherby 2022

Names and Their Meanings

Pale Jewelweed - Impatiens pallida
ietsi'erorókhstha, yetsi'erorókhstha
gzhiibosegaateaa, omakakiibag
balsamine pale, l'impatiente pâle
Spotted Jewelweed - Impatiens capensis
ietsi'erorókhstha, yetsi'erorókhstha
gzhiibosegaateaa, makikiibag, wesa’wasga’skonek, ozaawashkojiibik
Balsamine du Cap, Chou sauvage, Impatiente biflore
Field of Spotted jewelweed, photo credit YZ Ni 2022
Spotted jewelweed flower, photo credit D. Botcherby 2022
Another look at a Jewelweed flower and bud, photo credit D. Botcherby 2022
Jewelweed leaves from above, showing their organization around their stalks and leaf venation, photo credit, J. Dolan 2022
Pale jewelweed herbarium specimen, collected at Balls Falls by Yu Zhao Ni, K. Mitsui, Joy Amyotte, and Alyssa General, 2022

Pale Jewelweed

Conservation Status

S4 (Apparently Secure) in Ontario and New York, and Québec S3 (Vulnerable).

Spotted Jewelweed

Conservation Status

S5 (Secure) in Ontario, Québec and New York