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White Baneberry & Red Baneberry
Actaea pachypoda Elliott, Actaea rubra (Aiton.) Willd
Red baneberry herbarium specimen collected and mounted by Yu Zhao Ni, K. Mitsui, Joy Amyotte, and Alyssa General, July 14 2022

Names and Their Meanings

White Baneberry - Actaea pachypoda
onekwénhtara niwahyò:ten, orá:tu
wiikizigan, wapkadak
Actée à gros pédicelles
Red Baneberry - Actaea rubra
onekwénhtara niwahyò:ten, orá:tu
memskwagenagodeg, wi’cosidji’bik
actée rouge
White baneberry herbarium specimen collected and mounted by Yu Zhao Ni, David Botcherby, and Jessica Dolan, August 2022
White baneberry, Actaea pachypoda, at Summit Bog, photo credit J. Dolan 2022
White baneberry herbarium specimen collected and mounted by Yu Zhao Ni, David Botcherby, and Jessica Dolan, August 2022
Red baneberry, Actaea rubra, in fruit, photo credit J. Amyotte 2022
Red baneberry, Actaea rubra, young plant, photo credit YZ Ni 2022
Red baneberry herbarium specimen collected and mounted by Yu Zhao Ni, K. Mitsui, Joy Amyotte, and Alyssa General, July 14 2022

White Baneberry

Conservation Status

S5 (Secure) in Ontario and New York, and S4 (Apparently Secure) in Québec

Red Baneberry

Conservation Status

S5 (Secure) in Ontario, Québec and New York.