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Witch Hazel
Hamamelis virginiana L.
Witch hazel flower showing spider-y morphology, photo credit Bat Cave Botanicals

Names and Their Meanings

Witch Hazel - Hamamelis virginiana
Witch hazel tree growing happily in the understory at Cootes Parardise photo credit J. Dolan 2022
Witch hazel flower turning to fruit, and twigs, photo credit Mia Yu Zhao Ni 2022
Witch hazel branches, Summit Bog, photo credit J. Dolan 2022
Witch hazel leaves, showing branching, veination, leaf texture, Summit Bog, photo credit J. Dolan 2022
Witch hazel stand at Summit Bog, photo credit J. Dolan 2022
Witch hazel flowers showing spider-y morphology, photo credit Bat Cave Botanicals
Witch hazel flower showing spider-y morphology, photo credit Bat Cave Botanicals

Witch Hazel

Conservation Status

In Ontario S4 (Apparently Secure), in Quebec S3 (Vulnerable), and New York S5 (Secure)